The Correctional Association of New York (CANY) provides independent oversight of prisons to promote transparency and accountability.
Included in this dataset: An overview of budgeted and actual fill levels, in full-time equivalents, for staff positions at DOCCS facilities from 2022 to the present. This data is divided into four categories (security staff, health services, program services, support services), and fill levels for security staff are further divided by position (corrections officers, lieutenants, sergeants, captains, deputy superintendents, civilian security staff).
The dataset also includes total staffing fill levels for each facility in 2020 and 2021, though it does not include budgeted fill levels (that is, the number of staff positions allocated in the DOCCS budget) or fill levels by staffing category for these years. Fill levels for staff in Central Office, Community Supervision, and other locations outside of correctional facilities are not shown on the dashboard but are included in the data for download.
How this data is generated: The data for 2022 through 2024 comes from a biweekly staffing report generated by the DOCCS budget office, which CANY obtains through FOIL. The data for 2020 and 2021 comes from facility fill count reports that include only total fill counts by facility. For examples of these reports, view a biweekly staffing report here and a facility fill count report here.
Limitations and guidelines for use: In addition to the exclusions noted above, it is important to keep in mind that staffing fill levels and vacancy rates are not the only factors that determine the number of staff present at a facility on a day-to-day basis. Employed staff may be on leave for various reasons including workers’ compensation claims, vacation leave, and sick leave, all of which contribute to staffing dynamics at facilities.
Why we’re publishing this data: Staffing fill levels and vacancies are critical information for determining how a facility operates. CANY hopes this data offers basic insight into the staffing situation within DOCCS, with the understanding that there are many other dimensions to the staffing challenges faced by the department not visualized here.
Expected update frequency: Approximately every six months, dependent on FOIL response
Related data, research, and analysis:
DOCCS 2023 Security Staffing Report: An annual report to the state legislature on the staffing of corrections officers and sergeants at DOCCS facilities, including information on closed posts and security overtime, as mandated by Correction Law §29.4.
DOCCS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Five Year Strategic Plan (2021-2025): A framework developed by DOCCS in compliance with Executive Order 187 to increase representation from minoritized groups in its workforce. Includes data on the racial composition of DOCCS staff by county.
NYS Department of Civil Service Workers’ Compensation Claims Report (FY 2022-23): An annual report on rates of workers’ compensation claims across various state agencies, including DOCCS. Rates of workers’ compensation among DOCCS staff are further detailed in a 2023 report from the state Inspector General, available here.
CANY Prison Map: An interactive map of operational and recently closed prisons in New York State, with information on each facility including capacity and staff vacancy rates.
For recommendations reflecting trends in administrative data, read CANY’s Policy Agenda and Departmental Recommendations. For findings from monitoring visits, including survey and interview data from incarcerated individuals, read CANY’s Post-Visit Briefings.