The Correctional Association of New York (CANY) provides independent oversight of prisons to promote transparency and accountability.
Included in this dataset: Data from the annual New York State Government Employees’ Workers’ Compensation Claims reports for fiscal years (FY) 2019-2024, which contain records going back to FY 2015. The annual reports contain detailed information on work-related incidents that were reported to the Workers’ Compensation Board and New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) by certain Executive Branch agencies’ Classified Service employees. This includes employees represented by CSEA, PEF, NYSCOPBA, Council 82, PBANYS, and Management/Confidential. The dataset used here is limited to incidents reported at DOCCS facilities, and contains information on the number, type, cost, and outcomes of incidents filed by facility as well as the average number of Full Time Equivalents (FTE) at each facility during the fiscal year.
How this data is generated: Section 7 of Chapter 171 of the Laws of New York (2007) requires that the President of the New York State Civil Service Commission prepares an annual report on occupational injuries, illnesses, and workers’ compensation claims in state agencies which are a part of the Executive Branch. The Department of Civil Service collects data on work-related incidents through the Accident Reporting System (ARS) and workers’ compensation claims data is provided by NYSIF. Incidents are reported up to June 30th of the reporting year with incident dates occurring during the fiscal year, to combat delays in claims processing. The fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31. Data on Full Time Equivalents is maintained by the Department of Civil Service in the New York State Personnel System (NYSTEP). For additional information on the data and how it was generated, please see the “Annual Report of New York State Government Employee’s Workers' Compensation Claims” report, linked in the “related data, research, and analysis” section below.
Limitations and guidelines for use: This data is subject to several potential biases which can impact how this data should be used. For example, the data may be subject to limitations like the underreporting of incidents, delays in claim processing, and variation in how particular injuries are reported. Comparative analysis by facility should consider factors including the size of the facility and the composition of the population at the facility.
Why we’re publishing this data: As “Security Service Unit” employees, DOCCS security staff are granted more generous Workers Compensation benefits than most other state employees. In the period analyzed, the number of work-related incidents has increased dramatically, exacerbating the persistent staffing shortages at DOCCS facilities and costing the state a significant amount of money in the form of workers’ compensation costs and increased overtime costs.
By making this information public, we aim increase transparency regarding the use of this system, which is essential for identifying patterns of abuse and facilitating corrective actions that could prevent systemic abuse and protect both employees and taxpayers from the consequences of inappropriate practices.
Related data, research, and analysis:
Department of Civil Service’s “Annual Report of New York State Government Employee’s Workers’ Compensation Claims”, Fiscal Year 2023-24
NYS Inspector General’s “Review of the Lost Wage Benefit Provided to Security Services Unit Employees Within the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision”, May 2023
Office of the State Comptroller’s “Department of Correctional Services Administration of Workers’ Compensation Leave 2002-S-35”, 2002